In observance of the New Year’s holiday all Town offices (including Town Hall and the Parks, Sewer, and Highway departments) will close at 1:00pm on Friday, 12/30.
The Spiegel Pittsford Community Center will be…
2022 News Archives

Here's an opportunity to be green even in the winter - recycle your Christmas tree! Town of Pittsford crews will pick up trees placed curbside as long as all plastic bagging and all decorations are removed. Weather permitting, Christmas trees are picked up each year from the week after Christmas…

The current ERCN TV-12 schedule features the story of Richard Brookins, known as the American St. Nick, and a presentation by Town Supervisor Bill Smith in which he shares his enthusiasm and lifelong admiration for author Jean Shepherd in a…

Due to the Winter Storm Warning and expected severe weather, the Pittsford Community Library will be closed on Friday, December 23. As previously scheduled, the Library will be closed Saturday and Sunday, December 24 and 25, for the Christmas holiday. The Library will reopen on Monday, December…

Town of Pittsford property owners whose taxes are not in escrow will receive their 2023 Town and County tax bills in the mail after January 1, 2023. Property tax bills also may be obtained through the Monroe County Real Property Portal on or after December 31, 2022. Click the following link for…

In observance of the Christmas holiday, all Town offices (including Town Hall and the Parks, Sewer, and Highway departments) will close at 12:00pm on Thursday, 12/22 and will be closed Friday, 12/23 through Monday, 12/26. All…

The Chabad of Pittsford annual Outdoor Menorah Lighting and Chanukah Celebration is this Monday, December 19 – the second night of Chanukah. All are welcome to…

Pittsford programming December 12 - December 16 on TV-12 Spectrum Digital Channel 1303 features Town Supervisor Bill Smith in which he shares his enthusiasm and lifelong admiration for author Jean Shepherd in a…

Pittsford programming December 2 - December 9 on TV-12 Spectrum Digital Channel 1303 features the Pittsford Schools PSA, “I Am Pittsford". Other programming this week includes the Pittsford Veterans Day Ceremony 2022. Also, this week see the latest Town of Pittsford Zoning Update - as well as…

The Pittsford Chamber of Commerce Candlelight Night will soon be here! This annual family-fun tradition is Tuesday, December 6 from 5:00 – 8:00pm in the…

Town of Pittsford offices, facilities, and services including Town Hall, the Parks and Sewer departments, and Town Court will close at 1:00pm on Wednesday, November 23 and remain closed Thursday and Friday, November 24-25 in…

Pittsford programming November 19 - November 25 on TV-12 Spectrum Digital Channel 1303 features the 2022 Veterans Day Ceremony and the most recent Zoning Update and Town Board meetings. Programming this week also includes the 2022 State of Pittsford presentation and the 2022 Family Halloween…

Town Supervisor Bill Smith’s 2023 Town Budget was approved at the November 9, 2022 Town Board meeting. The Supervisor’s budget holds the Town tax rate flat – with no increase. It continues funding for all current Town services and events, with improvements. It preserves the cut in the Town tax…

Pittsford programming November 12 - November 18 on TV-12 Spectrum Digital Channel 1303 features the 2022 Pittsford Halloween Fest. Programming this week also includes the State of Pittsford for 2022 - as well as Pittsford announcements and information.
Pittsford programming on…

Hold your special ocassion at King's Bend Park! The Town of Pittsford will be accepting 2023 King’s Bend Park reservations online starting Monday, November 7 at 12:00pm. At that time, residents will have the ability to reserve any date at the King’s Bend Park lodges in the 2023 calendar year by…

At the November 1, 2022 Town Board meeting, Town Supervisor Bill Smith presented his 2023 Town budget. The Supervisor’s budget holds the Town tax rate flat – with no increase to the tax rate. It continues funding for all of the Town’s services and events. The…

Festive pumpkins wanted! Our Jack-o’-Lantern Walk is this Friday, October 28 at 6:00pm at the Spiegel Pittsford Community Center. Carve or paint your pumpkins and drop them off at the Community Center between Thursday, October 27 and noon on Friday, October 28.…

Be sure to mark your calendar for the Town of Pittsford's Family Halloween Fest to be held Sunday, October 23 from 2:00 - 5:00pm at the Spiegel Pittsford Community Center, 35 Lincoln Avenue.