At the November 1, 2022 Town Board meeting, Town Supervisor Bill Smith presented his 2023 Town budget. The Supervisor’s budget holds the Town tax rate flat – with no increase to the tax rate. It continues funding for all of the Town’s services and events. The public hearing for the Supervisor’s proposed 2023 Town Budget will be held at the next Town Board meeting, on Wednesday, November 9 at 6:00pm at the Town Hall public meeting room (lower level). Please note this is a different day from the usual Town Board meeting schedule.
As always, comments for the Town Board meeting may be submitted in advance (prior to 2:30pm on the day of the meeting) or made during the meeting both in person and by email. Emailed comments may be sent to comments@townofpittsford.org. The meeting will also be live streamed; see the agenda packet for viewing access and comment submission details. The meeting agenda is posted at least two days prior to the meeting on the Town website here: www.townofpittsford.org/minutes. ASL interpretation is provided; current CDC guidelines will be followed.
Hard copies of the proposed 2023 Town budget and of the Supervisor’s budget presentation are available at Town Hall in the Town Clerk’s office. Digital copies of the budget documents, including Supervisor Smith's budget presentation and his budget memo, are available online at www.townofpittsford.org/budgets.