Find current volunteer board meeting dates on our meetings and events calendar.
The Town of Pittsford continuously accepts applications from residents who are interested in serving on our volunteer boards. When a vacancy occurs, the applications on file are reviewed and qualified candidates will be contacted for an interview. If you are interested in participating on any of the town's volunteer boards please submit a résumé and a letter of interest to the Office of the Supervisor by clicking here or send mail to: Office of the Supervisor, Town of Pittsford, 11 S. Main Street, Pittsford, NY 14534. If you have questions, please contact the Town Supervisor at (585) 248-6220.
Assessment Review Board
Pittsford Town Hall
11 South Main Street
Pittsford, NY 14534
A five member board appointed to five-year terms which meets once a year on Grievance Day, the 4th Tuesday in May. Members are responsible for hearing and deciding grievances filed by citizens who are dissatisfied with the assessment placed on their property by the Town Assessor.
Board Members:
Brian Scudder – Chairman, Alan Wood – Vice Chair, Patricia Borshoff, Robert Michaels, Angela Uttaro
Design Review and Historic Preservation Board
Pittsford Town Hall
11 South Main Street
Pittsford, NY 14534
A seven member board appointed to staggered terms in 2012 and seven-year terms thereafter (no term limits), which meets the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month at 6 PM in the lower level of Town Hall. This board is a legally constituted board responsible for review and approval of architectural plans for all new structures, as well as renovations or additions to existing structures; review and approval of applications for Certificates of Appropriateness involving changes to Designated Landmarks; and review and approval of applications involving lot configuration, building orientation and location issues of residential structures in the RN Zoning District. This board is also responsible for the inventory and Landmark Designation of historically significant structures as well as the promotion of Historic Preservation through educational programs.
Board Members:
Dirk Schneider – Chairman, David Wigg – Vice Chair, Kathleen Cristman, John Mitchell, Bonnie Salem, Paul Whitbeck, Jim Vekasy
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Environmental Advisory Board
Pittsford Town Hall
11 South Main Street
Pittsford, NY 14534
A seven member board, appointed annually, which meets the 1st Monday of each month at 7 PM in the Town Hall 2nd Floor Conference Room. This board serves in an advisory capacity, reporting to the Town Board and the Planning Board on matters pertaining to environmental issues within the Town. Members also participate as stewards for the Town in an annual Conservation Easement Monitoring Program of PDR (Purchase of Development Rights) and Open Space properties within the Town.
Board Members:
Stephen Heinzelman – Chairman, Audrey Clignett, Jacqueline Ebner, Ethan Greene, Caroline Kilmer, Kathryn Kosinski, Jerremy Lorch, Julie Marcellus, James Pippin, Jeanne C. Powers
Student Liaison – Leixi Chen
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Library Board of Trustees
Pittsford Community Library
24 State Street
Pittsford, NY 14534
A five to eleven member board, appointed to five-year terms, with a two term limit. The board meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 6 PM in the Fletcher Steele Room. The New York State Board of Regents charters Pittsford Community Library. State law confers on the Library Board of Trustees authority for governance of the Library.
Chris Hall – President, Lori Lusk – Vice President, Brandon Cottrell – Secretary, Radhika Ramesh – Financial Officer, Tracy Castleberry, Daniel R. English, James C. Hall, Marcia Layton Turner
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Pittsford Community Library Board Bylaws
Please click the link below to view the Pittsford Community Library Board Bylaws.
Pittsford Community Library Board Bylaws
Parks and Recreation Advisory Board
Spiegel Pittsford Community Center
35 Lincoln Avenue
Pittsford, NY 14534
A board that can have up to eleven members, appointed annually, which meets the 2nd Thursday of each month at 6:30 PM at the Spiegel Pittsford Community Center. This board is an advisory board to the Town Board and Planning Board on matters related to parks and recreation within the Town.
Board Members:
Steve Denaker – Chairman, Christyn Musso-Albanese – Secretary, Bill Beach, Pamela Cooper-Vince, Karen McCready, John C. Meyer, Mike Pascucci, Kristin Rohlfs, John Zito
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Planning Board
Pittsford Town Hall
11 South Main Street
Pittsford, NY 14534
A seven member board, appointed to seven-year terms (no term limit), which meets the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month at 6:30 PM in the lower level of Town Hall. This board is a legally constituted board responsible for the review and approval or denial of development applications in the Town, which primarily relate to new homes (Subdivision Approval) or are related to construction or expansion of business (Site Plan Approval).
Board Members:
John P. Limbeck – Chairman, John R. Halldow – Vice Chair, Paul Alguire, Hali Buckley, David I. Jefferson, Paula Liebschultz, Kevin Morabito; Evan Harkin – Student Liaison
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Zoning Board of Appeals
Pittsford Town Hall
11 South Main Street
Pittsford, NY 14534
A seven member board, appointed to seven-year terms (no term limit), which meets the 3rd Monday of each month at 6:30 PM in the lower level of Town Hall. This is a legally constituted board responsible for making decisions on any requests to vary from the zoning ordinances. It also may hear and decide upon any appeals from any order, decision, or determination of any official charged with the enforcement of the zoning laws.
Board Members:
James Pergolizzi – Chairman, Barbara Serve – Vice Chair, Phil Bleecker, Phillip Castleberry, Jennifer Powers Iacobucci, Thomas Kidera, Mary Ellen Spennacchio-Wagner