Zoning Update Meetings: regular online meetings conducted by Town Board, see schedule and Zoom links here.
Our Zoning Code Update is underway. We encourage all Town of Pittsford stakeholders (residents, business and property owners, community leaders, and taxpayers) to participate in the update. Substantial input and feedback from a broad range of our community members is essential to ensure the updated Zoning Code reflects the community’s development preferences and future vision!
To let us know your thoughts about how and where to implement zoning changes that will best meet the needs defined in our Comprehensive Plan and Active Transportation Plan:
- Visit www.townofpittsford.org/zoningupdate to view Zoning Update materials and information
- Submit comments via email to zoningupdate@townofpittsford.org
- Mail comments to Doug DeRue, Town of Pittsford, 11 South Main Street, Pittsford, NY 14534
Learn more about the Zoning Code Update, and find links to the Town’s Comprehensive Plan, Active Transportation Plan, current Zoning Code, and other informational materials, on the Zoning Code Update website at www.townofpittsford.org/zoningupdate.
If you missed our first online Zoning Code Update Workshop, you can view it here. This link also can be found on the Zoning Code Update website. Additional public input events – including an opportunity to provide direct feedback on the proposed Zoning Code and Map updates – will be offered later on in the project timeline. Check www.townofpittsford.org/zoningupdate for further updates and information. The contents of the project webpage will be updated as the Zoning Code Update progresses.
About the Zoning Code Update Process: