A Message from Town Supervisor Bill Smith:
What better way to mark today, Arbor Day, then by planting the first of the trees graphed from healthy portions of the iconic Copper Beech Tree on State Street?
We bade farewell to the old Copper Beech three years ago, when disease made it too unstable to remain safely. But before it came down, the Town collected healthy cuttings that have been cultivated in a nursery for the past few years. These are clones of the original Copper Beech!
The remaining saplings at the nursery cultivated from the Copper Beech, approximately 100 of them, are growing well and should be ready for planting next year. At that time, the Town will make these available to residents.
Today, with the planting of the first of the saplings to be ready, the Copper Beech lives in Pittsford once more.
To learn more about the legacy of our iconic Copper Beech tree and the grafted saplings that will carry on its legacy, see our video of the saplings and today's planting and visit our Copper Beech web page at www.townofpittsford.org/copperbeech.