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New hours for Town Hall begin June 5, 2023

Town Hall photo

Over time, residents and contractors have asked for earlier business hours at Town Hall.  This would enable people to take care of Town Hall business before starting their own work day.  In addition, there has been a noticeable decrease of people coming in to transact business in the late afternoon.  

After surveying Town Hall staff, we’re changing our office hours.  Beginning Monday, June 5, Town Hall business hours will run from 8:00am to 4:00pm.  In addition to conforming more closely to the public demand, we believe the changed afternoon hours will help avoid the serious congestion – and safety risks – in the lot behind Town Hall when there’s a high level of incoming traffic and activity there at 5:00pm every day.  

The change in hours affects Town Hall offices only.  

As always, residents who cannot make it to Town Hall during business hours can submit items for staff through the mail slots at the front and back doors to the building.