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A message from Supervisor Bill Smith: Fire awareness and safety tips

Fire Awareness & Safety Tips

By now most of us are aware of Sunday’s tragedy on Callingham Road, where two of our residents perished in a house fire.  We can only imagine what their family is going through.  Our Pittsford Volunteer Fire Department arrived immediately to find a very substantial blaze.  Though they brought the fire under control quickly, in crises like these mere seconds matter. They make the difference between life and death.  

It reminds all of us about fire awareness and about planning for the worst.  So let’s think about that.  We can start outside, with fire hydrants.

  • Know the location of each fire hydrant in your neighborhood.  
  • Make sure each hydrant is visible.  In winter, clear snow from around the hydrant closest to you.  That’s the one the Fire Department will need if it’s your house that’s burning. If bushes, rocks or trees block access to a hydrant, please contact the Town Fire Marshall immediately.  248-5250. 
  • Consider organizing a fire hydrant snow removal plan with your neighbors.  A simple plan can fairly share responsibility for keeping hydrants clear and visible. 

Now let’s move inside, with a fire safety checklist.

  • Install smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors. Check regularly to make sure they’re working.  Firefighters recommend testing detectors every three months – even if yours comes with a “ten-year” battery.  
  • Create a fire escape plan; go over it with your family.  Make sure everyone knows at least two ways out of each room. The U.S. Fire Administration offers guidance for a household fire plan. 
  • Fill out a Residential Preplan Form provided online by the Pittsford Volunteer Fire Department.  This advises firefighters of hidden obstacles, challenges, or unusual hazards they may face in responding to a fire in your home, thereby saving critical time in an emergency.  
  • Properly maintain fireplaces and stoves.  Never leave them unattended when in use.
  • Keep flammable materials away from heat sources.  Take a look at your stovetop, fireplace or wood stove.  What’s nearby that can burn?  
  • Keep at least one fire extinguisher at home.  It should be rated 2-A:10-B:C. Keep it in a central location close to the kitchen. Even better is keeping an extinguisher on each floor of the house.  Make sure all members of the family know how to use the extinguisher.  

Again, if you have specific questions you can contact the Town Fire Marshall at 248-5250 or the Pittsford Volunteer Fire Department at 586-3021.

Fire Safety Tips Infographic