UPDATE 6-17-22: all of our Copper Beech saplings have been taken.
Our Copper Beech tree saplings, cloned from the majestic original Copper Beech at our park in the Village, are ready for planting! We have a limited number of saplings available for Pittsford residents – if you are interested in obtaining one, please see the information below.
Care & Requirements for Planting a Copper Beech Tree:
- Copper beeches grow fairly quickly, and will eventually grow to be 60-80’ high and 40-60’ wide, perhaps even larger in some cases.
- Because they get so large, take care to plant them away from houses and other trees. They need plenty of room to grow!
- They prefer full sunlight, but can tolerate part-sunlight. They do not like full shade.
- Plant in well-drained soil. Poorly drained or compacted soil can lead to fungal disease.
- After planting, put a 3” thick ring of mulch around the tree, but be careful to not mulch above the base of the tree (no mulch volcanos).
- Water the soil around the beech tree to a depth of 8-10” once per week if no rainfall occurs, and increase to 2-3 times a week during the summer to prevent the soil from drying out.
- Be careful not to over-water, however. Soggy soil will harm the tree.
If you would like a Copper Beech tree to plant on your property, please email Parks Foreman Jess Neal at jneal@townofpittsford.org using “Copper Beech tree sapling request” in the subject line or call (585) 248-6497. You can learn more about the old Copper Beech tree and its saplings – including a video of the grafting process – at www.townofpittsford.org/copperbeech.