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Climate Action Plan

Climate Action Plan

New York State (NYS) is experiencing the impacts of global climate change and has made climate mitigation and adaptation one of its top priorities. NYS created the Clean Energy Community (CEC) and Climate Smart Community (CSC) programs to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and prepare for the changing climate. Pittsford is among the hundreds of local governments that NYS has certified as CECs (2017) and CSCs (2022). The Town of Pittsford’s inclusion in these programs is exemplary of its long history of environmental stewardship that includes the adoption of its Greenprint in 1994. Continuing this dedication, the Town has adopted this Climate Action Plan (CAP) to ensure its future work will strategically reduce energy demand and GHG emissions across four focus sectors. Additionally, the plan makes recommendations for adaptation and resilience as a fifth focus sector.

The Town of Pittsford’s CAP not only addresses climate protection but also promotes energy savings and advances community goals for public health and safety. By acting now and aligning its goals with those of the NYS Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA), the Town of Pittsford is taking a leadership role in mitigating the impacts of climate change.

The Town developed the CAP following these steps:

  1. Analysis of the demographic makeup of the Town.
  2. Establishment of a representative working group.
  3. Development of an engagement strategy for a scenario-building workshop.
  4. Evaluation of climate hazards to understand the most at-risk community assets, populations, and systems.
  5. Creation of a vision for climate mitigation, adaptation, and resilience.
  6. Development of strategies to adapt and mitigate GHG emissions.

Find the complete 2024 Climate Action Plan here.