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Guidelines for Use of ERCN TV-12 (Chanel 1303) Government Access Cable Channel

Any Pittsford resident, Pittsford-based organization, or outside individual/organization with an interest or activity in the Pittsford community may submit materials to the Town for broadcast on ERCN TV-12 Cable TV channel 1303, Pittsford's "Government Access Channel."

The following guidelines will apply in our consideration of such broadcast requests:

1. Pittsford residents and Pittsford-based organizations will receive a preference
    in considerations.

2. Non-community based individuals/organizations will be considered if the materials
    submitted are related to local interests or events, or would be of particular interest to
    the Pittsford community.

3. The material must be submitted in a form compatible with the transmission/reception
    equipment. Compatible computer-generated graphics are eligible.

4. The following materials will be presumptively considered acceptable for broadcast:

  1. announcements and descriptions of upcoming community events;
  2. video broadcasts of community events, including sporting events, parades, music events, school events and similar functions.

5. The following materials will not be considered for broadcast:

  1. materials which could be offensive to any segment of the community;
  2. material which would appeal to such a small segment of the community so as to be of little or no interest;
  3. material of a partisan, political or religious nature;
  4. commercial material.

6. The individual or organization submitting material for consideration must provide the
    information and assurances contained on the Request Form (PDF Format or Microsoft
    Word Format) before any consideration will be undertaken.

7. All material appropriate for consideration will be reviewed by the Supervisor or such
    other member/committee of the staff or Town Board as may be designated by the
    Supervisor, for compliance with the standards set forth in these guidelines. In the event
    that considered material is rejected for broadcast, a written appeal may be submitted to
    the Supervisor, whose decision shall be final.

8. The Town retains and reserves the sole and exclusive right to determine any and all
    material to be broadcast on ERCN TV-12  channel 1303 during the time allotted to the
    Town of Pittsford, including the right to accept or reject material, edit material and
    determine the timing and broadcast frequency of material which is accepted.